7 Ways Short Video Content Can Boost Your Sales

We’ve all been witnessing the emergence of shorts format videos all-over the internet and it’s actually pretty fun! You get to learn about millions of things and see hundreds of people sharing interesting ideas and doing crazy trends in couple of hours!

These videos are pretty funny, interesting, and easy to digest. I like to call them little content bites, and slowly but surely the usage of these short videos is spreading to businesses, it’s not longer limited to content creators and individuals for a very obvious reason. People like it and if you want to sell people something they better like your approach.

There is a reason why short videos have become viral in the past few years. Short videos are an incredibly efficient way to promote a product or service. It’s obtained by promoting short ads on Facebook or Instagram or by creating organic content that has:

Good description, keywords and hashtags to reach your ideal client. Such as: #SaturdaySales #Blackfridaysales #Top20books. Allow me to show you how short videos can boost your sales.

boost your sales online with short videos
Image Source: Unsplash

1- Short Videos are User Friendly

Short videos are known to be generated by people like us. The intentions behind short videos is mostly entertaining or educating others. We trust these videos and most likely we relate to them.

When people are able to build that connection bridge with the videos they’re watching and the creators behind that videos. They are more likely to engage, purchase or reach out.

Friendly means trustworthy in the business world. The more short personalized content you create the more friendly you’ll be perceived. Which leads to more trust, sales and engagement.

2- People are More Likely To Buy From Those Who They Trust

Trust is no longer obtained from an ad easily. In addition to that element, you have the insanely rising ad costs with the performance going lower each year. The new trend of advertising is to promote your product or service by cooperating with an influencer who is in the same niche as yours and who has an engaging audience that might be interested in your product or service.

Is that sustainable though? Not really! The most recent and sustainable way to promote with low cost and high margins is to create your organic content around your service or product in a personal way that can reach your audience’s heart, not wallets.

Results will definitely take more time to happen. Once you start getting sales it’ll create a compounding effect due to the library of content you’ve created over time. At one point, you’ll do a very minimal effort with almost no cost. Yet achieve huge results better than results that an ad could generate.

Your audience not only become clients but also super fans. This factor will generate you a great feedback and reviews due to the personal attachment they have with your brand.

3- Videos are Much More Engaging Than Text Posts

Reading about your service or product vs seeing your service or product are a totally different experiences! No matter how great you describe your product or service in text, it’ll be always better for your customer to see it in a video and judge for themselves.

The engagement that videos get as in comments likes and views, creates a massive advantage for each person that consumes your content. They’ll relate much more to the service or product by seeing what other viewers like them had to say about it.

I want you to ask yourself an honest question that sums this point up. If a product has the best features on earth but there are to pieces of content about it. One is written and the other is showed in a video. Which piece of content you’d trust more to make the buying decision? Exactly!

4- Videos Shows Up At The Top of Google Searches

If you’re searching for a product or service, video results will always show up first. The SEO of these videos will play a huge role in ranking of course. Since the competition is much lower on videos compared to text post. It’s much easier to rank your service / product as a video.

Personally, if I Google Christmas Trees and google gives me bunch of video and website results. I’d immediately go with videos. We’re all aware that nowadays videos have purchase links just like websites so you’d probably prefer to see it in video rather than website pictures.

5- Short videos mean faster decisions

Do you prefer to buy what you’re looking for by spending hours of research or few minutes with what confirms your needs? Personally, I buy most of my needs with some context about it in my head and if a short video can affirm my context, then voila! I buy it.

You know what you want to buy just like most other people but you just want it to be a smooth and quick experience. A customer is exactly the same when buying your product, so save them hours of browsing with a short video that explains it all.

6- People’s Attention Spans are Getting Shorter

Very few people will have the patience to read through this written post. Why? Because most of us have no patience on reading anymore. It’s black and white, and boring! If a video can deliver you the same value in couple of minutes with engaging graphics, why bother reading?

It’s the age of speed. People no longer have the patience to watch 10+ minutes videos not to mention the articles. 30-60 Seconds short videos are the way to go. All you need is engaging hooks clear words that are straight to the point.

7- Affordability, Low Costs and Fast Delivery

Lower costs of productions means higher profit margins. Why raise the prices of your services and products while you can lower the costs and get higher profits? In addition to that, you get to reach your clients much free and organically without worrying about any ad costs.

One way or another you have to create some sort of content to promote your service or products. Short videos production is the fastest and cheapest of all types of content. For most business owners it’s becoming a no brainer to choose from.


Short Videos are one of the most popular strategies for boosting sales. These types of videos are more consistent than text-only posts and are easier to understand than images alone. But, there is one more reason why short videos are so effective: They are shown and pushed to more people compared to text-only posts.

While short videos are great for boosting sales. You should be careful when choosing the topics and products that you want to feature in your videos. Short videos should be more creative than your regular blog posts, articles, and other types of content. They should be entertaining, engaging, interesting, and helpful.

We hope that this article was eye-opening and helpful! If you want some extra help getting that next milestone achieved, feel free to contact us. Setup a meeting to discuss strategies that grow your business using our service for short content on social media.


Exposap helps businesses to quickly grow their social influence and reach new audiences organically to convert sales and build engagement in a sustainable way.

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