Done For You | Short Videos: Reels, Shorts, TikToks – Full Guide

Done For You | Short Videos: Reels, Shorts, TikToks – Full Guide

In the digital age, it’s no longer enough to simply have a website. Modern audiences demand content that is brief, informative and entertaining. Ideally on suitable platforms to your niche.

Content marketing has become an essential tool for businesses or influencers to share their message and sell their products / services online. But with so much resources available online, how do you stand out?

Short form content or ‘Hormozi Style short videos’ is one of the most effective ways of targeting niche audiences with short attention spans. In this article, we’ll explain what is short form video content, its benefits and examples of a good short video content strategy. If you’re interested in learning more, I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading this one!

What is Short Content or Hormozi Style Short Videos?

Short form content Alex Hormozi style videos

Short content is a reduced form content in terms of length and information. The abbreviation ‘RC’ is a derivative of ‘reduced content’. RC is not just micro-blogging or short-form blogging. It can take the form of a shortened video as well!

The main goal of short videos is to target a specific niche or audience, provide useful and relevant information in a short period of time and leave viewers with a tiny positive brand impression or familiarity.

Short content performs well when targeting niche audiences with short attention spans. While general content marketing can take up to 10-30 minutes to consume, Short video content can be consumed in less than a minute, ideally 30 seconds.

Hormozi Style Short Form Content

Why Should We Care About Short form Content?

Short form content is a great way of engaging niche audiences and providing them with tiny bites of information that they would enjoy. Additionally, it increases the brand’s visibility and traffic as well as boosting engagement in a considerable amount!

Short form videos are the best when it comes to getting your content in front of a niche audience quickly and organically. Not to mention the low investment of time to produce shortened content. Making it easier to produce more content which leads to a diversified content strategy.

With short content, by using the right hooks, you can grab your audience’s attention quickly and encourage them to stay on your content longer or even convert them to your longer videos to get all the detailed information they want!

Key benefits of Hormozi style videos!

Hormozi style video reels

– Fast Spread:

Short format videos can be produced much more quickly than the usual long format videos. This will help you respond more quickly to current trends and improve your chances of discoverability!

– Efficiency:

You can easily share Short videos across the majority of social media platforms, meaning you’ll be reaching a much larger audience. This efficiency also leads to diversified marketing strategies, That’ll bring you a greater return on investment!

– Easy to convert:

With short video content, converting viewers to subscribers and clients is pretty easy, organic and affordable. You can also use scheduling software to plan your content publishing across all platforms very simply.

– Viewer retention:

Short videos are very easy to digest and spreads fast which attracts new audiences and retain old ones. Short videos offers a unique experience for viewers while consuming your content, especially for those who are on a rush and don’t have hours to spend on longer videos.

– Consumer-friendly:

The main trend in short videos is to use on-screen captions which make these videos consumer-friendly. In many cases people watch these videos on public transportation without voice even.

Hormozi Style Video Content Guide

When crafting your short video content, follow this simple three R’s strategy:

– Reduce: Focus on the most important information and cut down all the fluff in your content. Make sure that the value you’re providing is clear and straight to the point.

– Rewire: Different Shorts will drive different results, engagement and viewers so always adjust and rewire it. Think about who is your ideal viewer/customer that you want to engage and what engage them the most. What do you want your viewers to do after consuming your short videos?. Convert to the main longer ones? Add a CTA (call to action) in the end of each video, Also add bio links to your products or services.

– Rethink: Rethink the way you approach video content marketing. Make sure you have an engaging video hook that builds such a huge curiosity so that no on can scroll through!

Lessons Learned from Hormozi style videos

Hormozi style short form videos are very effective and quick way for reaching a specific audience / niche and it provides viewers with tiny bites of information that they would really enjoy!

Targeting a specific audience or niche, sharing relevant information and leaving a positive brand impression, Hormozi style short form content can cut through the noise by its crazy hooks, large captions, quick transitions, and entertaining graphics.

Hormozi style short form videos should be consumed in less than a minute ideally around 30 seconds, which is perfect for audiences with short attention spans. This form of content is pretty consumer-friendly, retention-friendly and easy to convert viewers to fans and clients.


With so many marketing options out there, the decision of staying on your content or scrolling away to the next video is often dependent on the amount of engagement you provide in your hook and across your video.

With short form videos, you can grab your audience’s attention within the first 3 seconds which encourages them to stay on your video until the very end. All while providing them with the information they need!

Hormozi style short form content is an effective way of reaching a specific niche audience at scale and converting them to a longer content or to the product / service they want.

Reels & Shorts Video Examples / Portfolio:

We hope that this article was eye-opening and helpful!

If you want some extra help getting your short videos created. Feel free to contact us or setup a meeting.

Let’s discuss how to grow your business using our service for short form content on social media.


Exposap helps businesses to quickly grow their social influence and reach new audiences organically to convert sales and build engagement in a sustainable way.

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